Monday, October 17, 2016

Link to edit a course

In Moodle 3, the editing of a course is possible if one is a teacher or with other editing rights.

The URL to directly edit a known course uses the commands update&return=1.

In the following examples, the course ID is 100

Open the course page

and to open the page as in editing

Any page that is already having an edit session 

This is introduction should help with understanding the framework.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Moodle 3.1 LTE

Looking forward to better support for mobile and tablet devices.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Apple's iPad and Pearson Education is in trouble

If only contents were ceated on open systems, nobody would be left out of knowledge pursuit.

LA Unified School Disctrict have voiced their concern of the 2013 iPad project as reported in LA Times.

Its a lot of money that went into their education system. Would you have proposed Moodle combined with content providers to deliver contents for Apple?


Friday, October 10, 2014

Designing Contents for eLearning, Effectively

For those who have just started in Moodle, it would be wise to design the contents instead of jumping head-on to create it.

1. Get a clear picture of what is the intended content and its audience
Spend some amount of time to determine that required content. For a start, refer to an existing Lesson Plan or discuss with another person who is also familiar with the contents.
As a guide:
  1. Determine a clear objective
  2. What might the difficult for the learner to understand?
  3. Determine a way to measure what was learnt

2. Make the contents active
Learning that may already be interesting such as those with action-oriented and includes user behaviour and is easily added to contents. For informative items that look like its going to be a boring bullet point presentations, it will kill an online learner. Use visual designs for this type of contents to help retention.
As a guide:
  1. Look for graphics online
  2. Use word association
  3. Look at different ways of presenting multimedia contents

3. Create meaningful activities
Design activities with the learnings in mind. Activities can be done within the same content, external online resources or offline. It will take extra effort initially, but custom activities will keep learners coming back for more.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tools for Learning

The annual survey on tools for learning is out and the result from 61 countries is largely predictable. Of interest is Moodle being at #12 and TED Ed at number #26.

Following are items that caught my attention. What was of interest to you?
  1. Twitter
  2. x
  3. YouTube
  4. PowerPoint
  5. x
  6. WordPress (Isn't this a general site creator? Whats it doing here?)
  7. x
  8. x
  9. x
  10. x
  11. Google+ Communities and Hangout
  12. Moodle
  13. x
  14. x
  15. x
  16. x
  17. x
  18. x
  19. x
  20. x
  21. x
  22. x
  23. x
  24. x
  25. x
  26. TED Ed
  27. x
  28. x
  29. x
  30. x
  31. Gmail
  32. x
  33. x
  34. x
  35. x
  36. x
  37. x
  38. Coursera
  39. x
  40. KhanAcademy
  41. x
  42. x
  43. Excel
  44. x
  45. x
  46. PowToon (This is a surprise)
  47. x
  48. x
  49. x
  50. Udutu
  51. x
  52. Jing
  53. x
  54. x
  55. Flickr
  56. x
  57. x
  58. Quizlet
  59.  x
  60. x
  61. Mahara
  62. x
  63. SurveyMonley
  64. x
  65. Microsoft Sharepoint
  66. Haiku Deck
  67. x
  68. x
  69. Google Apps for Work, Govt & Edu
  70. x
  71. x
  72. x
  73. x
  74. x
  75. Google Sites
  76. Delicious
  77. x
  78. x
  79. Tumblr
  80. x
  81. x
  82. OpenOffice
  83. x
  84. x
  85. x
  86. x
  87. x
  88. x
  89. x
  90. Edpuzzle
  91. x
  92. Firefox & Add ons (Whats this doing here?)
  93. xxxx

Friday, April 29, 2011

Starting the community

This new version of Moodle is really starting to show its colours.

After the initial confusion with changes from version 1.9, it looks like there are great things to come. I am working on gathering the Moodle groups together in Malaysia. At the moment its via face book.

Look forward to your participation at